Sample Fire Marshall Plan Review Application Childcare Narrative

Inspection Checklist for Solar day Care Centers

This information is vaild only as a guideline for enforcement by the State Fire Align of Louisiana for new mean solar day care centers.


Interpretation for Corridor Rating Requirements in Day Care Occupancies


Number of Children

Day care centers must meet the requirements of the NFPA Life Safety Lawmaking when more than twelve (12) children receive care, maintenance and supervision past people other than relatives or legal guardians for less than twenty-four (24) hours a twenty-four hour period.

NFPA 101:sixteen.ane.3

Staffing Requirements

The staff to children ratio for a center is fix by and enforced by the Department of Social Services which differ from the staffing requirements in the Life Prophylactic Code.

Staff to Kid Ratio Historic period
1:v Under 1 year
1:7 Over 1 year
one:xi two-3
1:xiii 3-iv
ane:15 four-5
1:19 5-6
one:23 School Age

Handicap Accessibility

Twenty-four hour period care centers are to be accessible with sloped 1:12 ramps with signage for on site parking, curb ramps, and toliet rooms in accordance with ADA-ABA.

Minimum Construction Requirements

The minimum types of structure allowed for day care centers are listed in the following tabular array:

Table Location/Construction Type Limitations
Location of Day Center Sprinklered Building? Construction Type Permitted
ane story below LED Aye Any type other than III(200) & V(000)
Level of exit belch LED No Any type
i story to a higher place LED Yeah Any type
No I(433), I(332), 2(222)
two or 3 stories in a higher place LED Yes Whatsoever type other than III(200), 4(2HH) & 5(000)
3 stories in a higher place LED merely not high rise Yes I(433), I(332), II(222) or Ii(111)
High Rise yes I(443), I(332) or II(222)

For Example: Type V(111) Wood Protected Frame

  • Flooring Construction (one hr)
  • Structural Frame: Columns supporting more than i flooring (one hour)
  • Outside bearing walls (1 hour)


Plan Review

Anyone interested in going into the business of child care patently must get-go consider the building which will business firm the mean solar day intendance facility. Just similar with whatever new business organisation, one must make up one's mind on what is needed in the edifice to provide a functional, efficient and rubber temper for the workers and prospective clients. The decision process may involve choosing to renovate an existing building or building a new i. Simply one issue that must not be disregarded is compliance with the minimum burn down and life condom laws, rules and regulations.

Louisiana Revised Statutes twoscore:1574 requires plans and specifications to be submitted to and reviewed by the Part of State Fire Marshal prior to building, remodeling, renovating or adding on to any building larger than a two family dwelling. Therefore, before changing an existing structure to a mean solar day care or building a new twenty-four hour period care facility, plans and specifications must exist sent to the Fire Marshal. Depending on the size of the facility, the plans may be fatigued past anyone skilled in drafting building plans, however, sufficient particular will be necessary. It is highly recommended that a professional, such as an architect or civil engineer be hired or consulted for code requirements and plan grooming.

Many people believe they can just convert an existing house into a day care facility. That is non true. Most homes are typical forest frame construction with paneling or one-half inch sheet-rock on the walls. This does non run across the minimum one-hour protected outside and bearing wall structure required in some instances. About homes take paneling which is not rated for minimum interior end flame spread requirements. Windows and doors in single family dwellings oft lack the minimum height and width dimensions. Houses are usually not properly accessible to the physically handicapped.

The National Fire Protection Clan'southward Life Safety Lawmaking (NFPA 101) is the primary document for burn down and life safety requirements enforced for mean solar day care facilities. This lawmaking covers requirements such as structure, exits, emergency lighting, run a risk protection, interior finish, floor finishes, fire alarms, fume detectors, corridor protection, electric equipment and heating ventilation and air conditioning systems. Other referenced NFPA codes and the handicap accessibility standards (ADAAG) are likewise applicable.

All plans and specifications submitted must indicate in detail the features of safety required by the lawmaking. Insufficient particular on plans often results in the review builder rejecting the plans for resubmittal. You lot tin can admission the Program Review Application Form by clicking on the link. Please notation the fee construction on the Plan Review Applications page. As well, notation that a licensed architect may exist required when submitting plans to the Office of State Fire Align.


Once plans take been submitted and reviewed, and construction of renvoations work is complete, the Certificate of Completion provided with the program review must be signed by the architect/engineer or owner and forwarded to the appropriate district role of the State Fire Align. This will prompt the required terminal inspection for occupancy and licensing. At that place are iv district inpsection offices which are located in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lafayette and Shreveport. Visit the District Offices page to detect the appropriate office for your area.

Annual inspections are also made to satisfy the day care licensing requirements for the Department of Social Services. These inspections are scheduled a few months prior to the anniversary engagement of the license. The advanced inspections allow the day care operators aplenty time to correct deficiencies so the license may exist renewed.

Inspections are made to assure compliance with the fire and life safety requirements primarily from the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101). However, the Office of State Fire Marshal is also mandated to enforce the requirements for accessibility by the physically handicapped. This includes accessible parking, curb cuts, smooth and level sidewalks, ramps to buildings, door threshold heights, door widths, aisles and corridor widths, bathroom accessibility and other features of a building which will provide equal opportunity for a person with physical limitations (ADAAG).

Inspections are conducted utilizing the codes that were in effect when the building or structure was commencement occupied equally a day care center. In other words, if a day intendance heart has been operating every bit a edifice for several years, the facility would not have to comply with the well-nigh current code only instead, with the lawmaking in consequence at the time of initial occupancy. LAC 55:Five:103B permits inspections to exist made in accord with the time frame and code as follows:

Building Occupied As Twenty-four hour period Care Facility Applicable Edition of Life Safety Code
Prior to 1975 1967
01.01.75 - 01.01.80 1973
01.01.80 - 09.01.81 1976
09.01.81 - 09.01.86 1981
09.01.86 - 02.14.89 1985
02.xiv.89 - 05.30.92 1988
06.01.92 - 12.31.94 1991
01.01.95 - 05.31.98 1994
06.01.98 - 1997
07.01.01 - 06.30.04 2000
07.01.04 - present 2003

There is no service fee for the fire and life safety inspection. However, we will also perform an inspection of potable hot water heaters; a fee is charged for this inspection and the required certificate (run across Mechanical Safe - Boilers page for more information). This inspection is usually done by the State Burn Marshal inspection personnel, but in some cases it is performed by the day care center's insurance company.

The rules and regulations established in accordance with Revised Statutes 23:531 et seq crave inspection of the combustion gas vent, utility connection, force per unit area relief device, flame impingement, etc. (Boilers shall be inspected past the Boiler Department).



The post-obit data are requirements of the Life Safety Code.   Special notes take been added for clarity.  Reference to the "potency having jurisdiction" means the Part of State Fire Align.

Day care centers are occupancies where more than twelve (12) clients receive intendance, maintenance and supervision by other than their relatives or legal guardian for less than xx-four (24) hours per day.

Where a facility houses more than i historic period group, the requirements for the younger shall apply throughout the facility unless the area housing the younger is maintained every bit a separate fire area.

Place of religious worship shall not exist required to meet the provisions of the department in order to operate a twenty-four hours intendance while religious services are existence held in the building.

Centers in apartment buildings.

If the ii go out accesses from the day care center enter the aforementioned corridor every bit the apartment occupancy, the exit accesses shall be separated past a smoke division having not less than a 1-hour fire resistance in the corridor.  The smoke partitioning shall be located so that is has an exit on each side.

Where 24-hour interval intendance centers have clients twenty-iv (24) months or less in age, or incapable of self-preservation and are located 1 or more than stories above the level of exit belch or where twenty-four hour period care centers are located two or more stories higher up the level of get out discharge, provide smoke barriers to divide stories into a minimum of ii smoke compartments.

The occupant load for which ways of egress shall be provided for any floor shall exist the maximum number of persons intended to occupy that floor merely not less than the number calculated on the basis of one person for each 35 square anxiety of internet floor are used by the clients.

Means of Egress Requirements

Components of means of egress shall be express to the following:
Panic Hardware or Burn Exit Hardware - Any door in a required means of egress from an surface area having an occupant load of 100 or more persons shall be permitted to exist provided with a latch or lock but if is panic hardware or fire go out hardware complying with vii.2.1.vii.
Special Locking Arrangements - Special locking arrangements complying with shall be permitted.

Closet Doors - Every closet door latch shall exist such that children can open the door from the inside of the cupboard.

Bathroom Doors - Every bath door lock shall be designed to permit opening of the locked door from the exterior in an emergency.  The opening device shall be readily accessible to the staff.


Smokeproof Enclosures


Exit Passageways

Areas of Refuge

Number of Exits - Each floor occupied by clients shall accept not less than 2 remotely located exits.

Arrangement of Means of Egress

Dead ends in corridors shall non exceed 20 anxiety.

Travel Altitude to Exits

(1) The travel altitude between any room door intended as an exit access and an get out shall not exceed 100 ft.

(2) The travel altitude between any point in a room and exit shall non exceed 150 ft.

(3) The travel distance between any signal in a sleeping room and an go out access door in that room shall not exceed 50 ft.

Illumination of Ways of Egress shall exist continuous during the time that the atmospheric condition or occupancy require that the means of egress be availabe for apply.

Emergency Lighting shall be arranged to provide the required illumination automatically in the event of any interruption of normal lighting.

(i) Interior stairways and corridors.

(2) Assembly use spaces.

(3) Flexible and open up programme buildings.

(4) Interior or windowless portions of buildings.

(5) Shops and laboratories.

Marking of Means of Egress shall have signage for all exit doors.

Special Ways of Egress Features

Windows for Rescue and Ventilation - Every room or infinite normally subject to client occupancy, other than bathrooms, shall accept at to the lowest degree one outside window for emergency rescue and ventilation.  Such window shall be openable from the within without the use of tools and shall provide a clear opening of not less than twenty" in width, 24" in height and 5.vii sq. ft. in area.  The bottom of the opening shall exist non more than than 44" above the flooring.


Protection of Vertical Opening - Any vertical opening shall exist enclosed and protected.  Buildings with multiple-story chatty spaces shall be protected past a supervised sprinker organization.

Hazardous Areas - Rooms or spaces for the storage, processing or use of materials specified beneath shall be protected in accordance with the following:

(one) Separation from the remainder of the building past fire barriers having a burn resistance rating of non less than 1 hour or protection of such rooms by automatic extinguishing arrangement.
(a) Boilers and furnace rooms.

(b) Rooms or spaces used for the storage of combustible supplies in quantities accounted hazardous by the authorisation having jurisdiction.

(c) Rooms or spaces used for the storage of chancy materials or flammable or combustible liquids in quantities deemed hazardous by recognized standards.

(d) Janitor closets.

(2) Separation from the remainder of the edifice by fire barriers having a fire resistance rating of not less than i hour and protection of such rooms by autmoatic extinguishing organization.

(b) Maintenance shops, including woodworking and printing areas.

(c) Rooms or spaces used for processing or use of combustible supplies accounted hazardous past AHJ.

(d) Rooms or spaces used for processing or use of hazardous materials or flammable or flammable liquids in quanities deemed hazardous by AHJ.

(three) Where automatic extinguishing is used to meet the requirements of this section, the protection shall be permitted in accordance with

Interior Finish

Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish shall exist Course A or B.  Interior finish in stairways, corridors and lobbies shall be Grade A.

Interior Floor Finish shall be Class I or Class II within corridors and exits.

Detection Alarm

24-hour interval care centers, which are not housed in one room, shall exist provided with a fire alarm system.

Initiation - Initiation of the required fire warning system shall be by transmission means and by performance of any required smoke detectors, and required sprinkler systems.

Occupant Notification - Occupant notification shall be by ways of aural and visible alert.

Emergency Forces Notification - Fire Department notification shall be provided.

Detection - A smoke detection system shall be installed in multi-room twenty-four hours care centers, with placement of detectors on each story in front end of doors to the stairway and in the corridors of all floors occupied by the twenty-four hours care center.  Detectors also shall be installed in lounges, recreation areas, and all sleeping rooms in the 24-hour interval care eye.

Corridors - Exit access corridors inside twenty-four hour period care centers shall be constructed of burn down barriers having not less than a 1 hr burn down resistance rating in accordance with eight.2.3.

Building Services

Special Protective Covers - Special protective covers for all electrical receptacles shall be installed in all areas occupied by clients.

Unvented fuel-burn room heaters shall not exist permitted.

Any heating equipment in spaces occupied by children shall exist provided with partitions, screens, or other means to protect children nether six (6) years of age from hot surfaces and open flames.  If solid partitions are used to provide such protection, provisions shall be made to ensure adequate air for combustion and ventilation for the heating equipment.

Operating Features

Notation: Documentation of burn drills may be required for review past inspectors.  The documentation shall include:

(2) Time of drill

(iii) Roster of children participating in drill

(4) Name(due south) of staff participating in drill

(v) Elapsing of time of drill in minutes and seconds

(6) Whatsoever notes of abnormalities effecting drill

An canonical fire evacuation program shall be executed no less than once per calendar month.

Fire prevention inspections shall exist conducted monthly by a trained senior fellow member of the staff.  A copy of the latest inspection shall exist posted in a conspicuous place in the solar day care facility.

An adequate staff shall be on duty, alert, awake and in the facility at all times when clients are present.

Note:  Family unit Mean solar day-Care Homes (4-6 clients) and Group Day-Care Homes (7-12) accept dissimilar requirements than listed above.

This page was last modified on April 26, 2017


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